Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year 2012

Today is the last day of year 2011; we will step in to year 2012 in another 1 hour counting down from now! A lot of things happened in 2011, good and bad mixed but I think all will be over soon. Let's look forward 2012 and I believe everything will be better and wonderful in next future! Normally I will review what I have been done in this whole year and find the oppotunity for improvement as well as self development, at the same time will also set the new target for me to archive in next year. I put a lot of hope in next year, a new fresh year 2012 "Dragon" year in lunar calendar!

Wishing you and family Happy New Year 2012! All the best!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!!!

Time fly!!! Today is a very special day, so I would to send everyone this season greetings to wish you and family "Merry Christmas"!!! Enjoy the holidays with your belove one!
- Warm regards from Chuan Wooi and family!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Allergic Rhinitis

Rhinitis is characterized by inflammation of the mucosal soft tissue with clinical symptoms of nasal discharge, blocked nose and itch-triggered sneeze occurring for more than one hour on most days. It is a common ailment (about 40% of the population) which may significantly interfere in the patient’s quality of life, by causing fatigue, headache and cognitive impairment. In general 85% of rhinitis sufferers have sleep disturbance, are physically limited, have reduced concentration at work and show significant changes to social life. In the majority the treatment of rhinitis requires effective management of coexisting or complicating respiratory conditions, such as asthma. Sinusitis and chronic otitis media are other complicating conditions.


Rhinitis may be caused by allergic or non-allergic factors but some individuals may suffer from both types. Allergic rhinitis is always associated with elevated levels of IgE antibody. Allergy is the major cause (80%) of rhinitis in childhood and the middle-aged sufferers but in older individuals about half are allergic rhinitis and the rest being non-allergic disorders. Risk factors for allergic rhinitis include: (1) family history of allergy, (2) serum IgE levels greater than 100 kU/L in adults and 10 to 100 kU/L in children, (3) high exposure to indoor allergens such as, dust mites, pet dander (cat, dog, hamster, rabbit), pollens, pest mammalian-epithelium (rats), insect pests (cockroach), mould spores, and (4) positive reaction noted clinically or by CAP RAST blood tests, to specific allergen in foods and aeroallergens. Allergic rhinitis tends to be persistent and chronic in Malaysia. The most important allergens associated with allergic rhinitis include house dust mites (85%), cockroach (66%), cat or dog dander (30%), pollens (e.g. oil palm, Acacia) (25%), mould spores (20%) and foods (22%). The foods most important in children are egg white, milk, shrimp and banana but in adults it may be shrimps and garlic.


Mold spores are everywhere. You can reduce your exposure to mold by following these steps:
• Keep rooms dry, and use a dehumidifier, if necessary.
• Throw out moldy or mildewed articles (such as books, toys, and shoes).
• Use synthetic fabrics for clothing and household furnishings whenever possible. Disinfect bathrooms, basement walls, and furniture with diluted bleach or other disinfectant solutions.

You can take several steps to limit exposure to dust mites.
• Wrap mattresses, box springs, and pillows with mite-proof covers.
• Wash bedding and pillows once a week in hot water (60° C).
• If you can, get rid of upholstered furniture. Try to use wooden, leather, or vinyl.
• Keep indoor air dry. Try to keep the humidity level lower than 50%.
• Wipe dust with a damp cloth and vacuum once a week. Use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter.
• Replace wall-to-wall carpet with wood or other hard flooring.
• Keep stuffed toys off the beds, and wash them weekly.
• Replace slatted blinds and cloth draperies with pull-down shades. They will not collect as much dust.
• Keep closets clean, and keep closet doors closed.

People who are allergic to animals may need to avoid keeping pets. If not, keep pets outside, if possible. If pets are allowed indoors, keep them out of bedrooms, off upholstered furniture, and off carpets. Frequent bathing and grooming of the pet (preferably by someone who is not allergic to the animal) may help.

Allergy to animals may also include wool, which may contain tiny amounts of dander (skin).

Monday, April 18, 2011

DXing in 10m Band

Last week, I monitor on 10m band and it surprise me that the frequency is very busy in 28.430 - 28.520. I have made few contacts and this really exited me able to contact with Europe countries; from the DXing this round, I get to know few country that I am not aware of previously. Is very good experience and happy to know the HAMs from the other part of the world. Look forward to receive more QSL card and of course I will send mine to those I have contacted as below:

Japan, India, Oman, Indonesia, Zimbabwe, Italy, China, Cyprus, Spain, Malaysia, England, France, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, Germany, Hong Kong, Tajikistan, Croatia, Australia, Ukraine and Finland.

Will keep it up to have more DXing!

Monday, January 24, 2011


This file shared by CL Neoh (9M2CLN), is cool!
Go for Morse Code! Thanks CL.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

HAM HF Frequency

Band (m)    Freq (Mhz)        Freq (Mhz)
160                      1.800                    2.000
80                  3.500               3.900
40                  7.000               7.100
30                  10.100             10.150
20                  14.000             14.350
17                  18.068             18.168
15                  21.000             21.450
12                  24.890             24.990
10                  28.000             29.700

Dealing With People You Can’t Stand – How to Bring Out the Best in People at Their Worst?

This is true in our daily life, it happened around us not only in work and friends but also in family. Some time this type of people become a challenge or roadblock to us when we try to carry out some task. That's a word in Chinese "一种米养百种人".

Dealing With People You Can’t Stand – How to Bring Out the Best in People at Their Worst?